BOD Minutes - March 27, 2010

Jefferson County Education Foundation
Meeting: Saturday, March 27, 2010

Present: Laurie Meyer, Cammy Brown, Deborah Stinson, Lela Hilton, Paula Hill, Jennifer James Wilson

Roll Call: Quorum present

Changed the bylaws and ensured Board Member protection 11/3/2009.

Motion to approve the change in the minutes: Deborah Stinson
Seconded by : Paula Hill

Unanimous approval

New Board Members:

Motion to install Jennifer James Wilson as a Board Member: Laurie Meyer
Seconded by: Deborah Stinson

Approved Unanimously

Candy Snivley declined Board post and was hired as the Bookkeeper (approved via email)

Clemente Course Overview: Lela Hilton handed out Clemente Course binders including information on the Course as well as bylaws, brochures, student interview form, etc.

Salons-fundraising opportunities introduced to the Board by Lela Hilton.
• Short version of a class with assigned reading material for discussion.
• Chance to get a feel for the Socratic class.
• Opportunity to donate to JCEF.

Classes-hosted by an individual (4-6 classes on topic of host’s choice.) The tuition ($25 per class) is collected to raise funds for Course.

A discussion regarding the class held at the Unitarian Church to begin to late April/early May to gather participants and plan coursework.

Soliciting Assistance from former students may include grant writing, fund raising, etc was suggested. Paula Hill volunteered to help.

Working with other local programs for referrals is essential for our success-PT High School, Chimacum High School, Peninsula College, Boiler Room, Jefferson Education Committee, Higher Education.

Academics credit-opportunity with Running Start, Peninsula College, Antioch, Seattle University, Olympic College were mentioned.

Lela Hilton will provide Plan of Action with a Budget for Board.

We are also in need of a Business Plan, once the Action Plan is reviewed.

Treasurers Report: Laurie Meyer supplied P&L

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 pm.

Meeting notes taken and transcribed by:

Paula Hill

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